Claudia Sanchez Bajo
PhD in Development Studies (ISS, The Hague), currently, Fellow Researcher at the UBA Econ. CESOT. Was Inaugural Chair in Cooperative Enterprises at the University of Winnipeg and has taught in Germany and China. Other fields of research include globalization, business actors and value chains, and development policy.
Bruno Roelants
Master in Labour Studies (ISS, The Hague), is Director General of the ICA since 2018. Previously secretary general of CICOPA, the sectoral organization of the International Cooperative Alliance for industrial, handicraft and service cooperatives, and its European organization CECOP CICOPA-Europe. He was previously responsible for development projects in China, India and Central and Eastern Europe. He participated in 2001-2002 in the negotiations in Geneva on the ILO Recommendation 193 on the promotion of cooperatives, coordinating the work of the representatives sent by the national confederations of cooperatives. Furthermore, he has taught on cooperatives and local development in Italy. He has edited “Cooperatives and Social Enterprises – Governance and Normative Frameworks” (CECOP, 2009), and is a co-author of “Cooperatives, Territories and Jobs” (CECOP, 2011).
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